Bakersfield Bitcoin

“From natural gas to Bitcoin fast!”

Fast deployment of modular compact data centers to be up and running in no time. Money printer go brrr!

We come to you! Show us your gas supply, power generation, or maybe just a cappped off pipe in a field. We can make it make money! Does flaring gas make sense to you when you can fire up an operation that chews up natural gas and spits out crypto currency? Not to us!

Many BTC Mining operations rely on a very thin profit margin. If the miners are no longer efficient, the power bill is more than the generation which causes them to lose value signifigantly. This is where we come in and monetize your natural gas and get you extremely cheap deals on second latest generation mining equipment for a highly profitable operation.

Buy or supply power to a small data center at your site for a consistent hands-off revenue stream.

Making it easy!

Here at Bakersfield Bitcoin we believe you should be squeezing every last drop of money out of your field. We know how hard it is to squeeze a profit drilling oil in the good old USA. We will let you worry about the oil, send us the gas and we will make sure every last horsepower gets put to good use making you the money you deserve.

Click the Learn More button below to get in contact with us. We will be happy to schedule a meeting to maximize your profits in the domestic oil industry with cryptocurrency.

Let’s get those money printers rolling!